Treated Diseases 

  • Stroke

    Stroke is a functional disorder of the brain’s blood supply, leading to the death of brain cells.

    Symptoms can persist for more than 24 hours or may even be fatal, thus requiring immediate treatment. Early neurological and neurosurgical interventions, along with prompt rehabilitation, can reduce damage and deterioration in quality of life.

    Stroke is the third leading cause of death, affecting approximately 4.5 million people annually. In Hungary, 40 out of every 10,000 inhabitants are hospitalized due to stroke, two-thirds of whom suffer permanent disabilities. It is a leading cause of adult disability.

    There are two main types: hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes.

    Most cases are ischemic, also known as cerebral infarction, where a clot blocks a blood vessel in the brain, causing the death of brain cells in the affected area. The clot may form at the site of the blockage (thrombosis) due to atherosclerosis, or debris may travel through the bloodstream to the brain (embolism).

    Hemorrhagic stroke, which is less common, can be more severe. It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, leading to bleeding either within the brain or between the brain and the skull. This damages the brain tissue and disrupts the blood supply to the affected area.

    The severity of a stroke depends on where the brain damage occurs and how extensive it is. Typically, damage on the right side of the brain affects the left side of the body, and vice versa.

    Post-stroke complications can include:

    • Unilateral weakness or paralysis
    • Balance and coordination issues
    • Speech and language problems
    • Neglect: ignoring one side of the body
    • Pain, numbness
    • Memory and cognitive issues
    • Depression

    People who have suffered a stroke often develop paralysis on one side, weakness, movement, speech, and thinking may be impaired. In the majority of patients who survive a stroke, a large degree of damage remains after the acute state. Thus, rehabilitation is recommended as soon as possible, the start of special complex neurorehabilitation should be highlighted here. It is all the more important, since the very first results of rehabilitation sessions can be hoped for in the early stages.

  • Parkinson's Disease

    Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, progressive neurological disorder that involves a dopamine deficiency in the basal ganglia of the central nervous system, which helps regulate movement. The lack of dopamine causes movement disorders such as tremors, stiffness, slowness, and balance problems.

    Parkinson’s is more common in the elderly but can occur at any age. The prevalence in Hungary is estimated to be between 200-400 cases per 100,000 people.

    The exact cause is unknown, but it is thought to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

    While Parkinson’s is incurable, effective treatments can manage symptoms and improve quality of life. These may include medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes, such as exercise and physical therapy.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    TBI is brain damage caused by an external force, such as a blow to the head, a fall, an explosion, or other events that cause trauma to the brain. It is the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults.

    Symptoms can range from mild, including headaches, dizziness, memory problems, and concentration issues, to severe, including loss of consciousness, seizures, paralysis, and speech disorders.

    Treatment depends on the severity of the injury and can range from rest to medication and possibly surgery or rehabilitation.

    Prevention includes taking precautions to reduce the risk of head injuries, such as wearing helmets during activities like cycling, motorcycle riding, and sports, and using seat belts while driving.

  • Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

    Spinal cord injuries can damage the fibers within the spinal canal, which carries nerve fibers from the brain to the rest of the body and is crucial for transmitting information between the brain and other body parts. 

    These injuries can occur in various ways, most commonly due to:

    – Traffic accidents: mostly car and motorcycle accidents

    – Sports injuries

    – Workplace accidents: such as falls from heights or lifting heavy objects

    – Other accidents: falls from heights or other household accidents

    The severity and symptoms of a spinal cord injury can vary depending on which part of the spinal cord is affected and the extent of the injury. It can range from complete (where the cord is fully severed) to partial, and depending on the level of the injury, can result in tetraplegia (all four limbs affected) or paraplegia (lower limbs affected). These injuries often lead to paralysis, sensory disturbances, urinary and fecal incontinence, and other neurological symptoms.

  • Neurological cases

    Neurological cases include all conditions involving the involvement of the nervous system or its changes. These pathologies range widely from diseases of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (nerves in the rest of the body) to neuromuscular pathologies.. The following conditions may include:

    • Stroke
    • Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s syndromes
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome and other polyneuropathies
    • Brain and skull damage
    • Spinal cord injury
    • Other neurodegenerative and peripheral nerve disorders
  • Orthopedic conditions

    Orthopedics deals with extremely diverse problems: diseases, injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, such as bones, muscles, joints and connective tissues. Orthopedic treatments can be conservative, such as physical exercise, medication or injections, or surgical solutions, which may include surgical correction of broken bones, implants, or other orthopedic procedures. Treatments are aimed at improving patients’ mobility and quality of life, as well as reducing pain and treating musculoskeletal problems.

  • Traumatological cases

    Traumatological cases refer to injuries or damages that are usually caused by an external force or physical impact (e.g. traffic or household accidents). These injuries can include broken bones, muscle tears, joint sprains, sprains, burns, as well as head injuries, spinal injuries, abdominal and other injuries. The field of traumatology deals with the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of these injuries, which include various physical therapy treatments, physical therapy and the provision of assistive devices.

  • Rheumatological conditions

    Rheumatology is a medical specialty that treats various conditions that affect muscles, joints, and their surrounding tissues. Rheumatological diseases include rheumatoid arthritis (RA, also known as polyarthritis), gout (arthritis urica), lupus erythematosus, Bechterew’s disease, fibromyalgia, arthrosis (cartilage wear). Inflammatory and wear-and-tear diseases of the spine and joints, metabolic and bone diseases, and painful changes and deformities of the soft tissues can be characteristic of each disease.

    The main symptoms of rheumatic diseases:

    • Pain
    • Joint stiffness
    • Swelling
    • Skin rashes or skin problems
    • Limited mobility
    • Muscle weakness
    • Fatigue or general weakness

    In the case of rheumatological pathologies, the role of physiotherapy is extremely important in order to reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life. Our specialists put together a personalized therapy program for each patient, which may include individual and suspension grid exercises, various massage therapies or other physical therapy procedures, such as laser and magnetic therapy treatments, electrotherapy, or ultrasound treatments.